it is late Monday night. The wind is howling outside. Today has been the quintessential blustery day. All week, I’ve been mulling over possible SOLs in my head, and now that it’s time to write one of them, I’d rather watch TV. Why? I’ll give you ten good reasons: (in no paricular order)

1) It’s cold..bone chilling, wind biting, get-under-the-covers cold.

2) I tutored tonight and my brain is too tired

3) I can’t figure out which story to write… Some Enchanted Evening( the story of a chance meeting in a bar that develops  into a life-long friendship.or…the vulnerability of a struggling reader reading out loud to a teacher.

4) I’m falling asleep. My eyes are closing.

5) it’s easier. I escape into someone else’s world instead of analyzing my own.

6) I’m home alone. Well, not really alone, but Audrey and Soph are tucked in bed. John is downstairs buried in his office. Annie’s off to a movie. I could control the remote.

7) It’s safer. There is no window into my soul when I stare blankly at a screen.

8) Time. I won’t have to revise or rethink the shows I watch. I’ll just flip the switch and pffff….gone from my mind.

9) The snicker doodle dough in the fridge would smell so good mingling with the scent of the”hot apple toddy” candle. I can picture myself on the couch dunking a warm snicker doodle into a glass of cold milk.

10) Sleep. Watching TV makes me fall asleep. Writing ignites passion. I don’t want to feel passion. I want to feel nothing.

Now, it’s too late to watch tv. My simple list has taken too long. Now I’ve reread it and edited it and am thinking about revision. Should I double my sentences? Reorder them? Analyze that last one?

Now I’m awake and it’s hard to flip the switch to off. But. I wrote. Good or bad, I wrote. Exposing my simple, unliterary self. I wrote.


4 TV  can v

4) ever